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��������� [ChristianPatriot] Ten questions to the Zionists by Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl ZT"L, Dean

��������� of Nitra Yeshiva

���� Date:

��������� Fri, 9 May 2003 18:56:48 ‑0700

��� From:

��������� "Vladislav Shvyrkov" <[email protected]>


��������� [email protected]

����� To:

��������� <[email protected]>

����������������������������������� Ten questions to the Zionists

������������������������������� by Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl ZT"L

����������������� ���������������������Dean of Nitra Yeshiva

������� 1.IS IT TRUE that in 1941 and again in 1942, the German Gestapo offered all European Jews transit to Spain,

���������� if they would relinquish all their property in Germany and Occupied France; on condition that:

���������� a) none of the deportees travel from Spain to Palestine; and

���������� b) all the deportees be transported from Spain to the USA or British colonies, and there to remain; with

���������� entry visas to be arranged by the Jews living there; and

���������� c) $1000.00 ransom for each family to be furnished by the Agency, payable upon the arrival of the family at

���������� the Spanish border at the rate of 1000 families daily.

������� 2.IS IT TRUE that the Zionist leaders in Switzerland and Turkey received this offer with the clear

���������� understanding that the exclusion of Palestine as a destination for the deportees was based on an

���������� agreement between the Gestapo and the Mufti.

������� 3.IS IT TRUE that the answer of the Zionist leaders was negative, with the following comments:

���������� a) ONLY Palestine would be considered as a destination for the deportees.

���������� b) The European Jews must accede to suffering and death greater in measure than the other nations, in

���������� order that the victorious allies agree to a "Jewish State" at the end of the war.

���������� c) No ransom will be paid

������� 4.IS IT TRUE that this response to the Gestapo's offer was made with the full knowledge that the alternative

���������� to this offer was the gas chamber.

������� 5.IS IT TRUE that in 1944, at the time of the Hungarian deportations, a similar offer was made, whereby all

���������� Hungarian Jewry could be saved.

������� 6.IS IT TRUE that the same Zionist hierarchy again refused this offer (after the gas chambers had already

���������� taken a toll of millions).

������� 7.IS IT TRUE that during the height of the killings in the war, 270 Members of the British Parliament proposed

���������� to evacuate 500,000 Jews from Europe, and resettle them in British colonies, as a part of diplomatic

���������� negotiations with Germany.

������� 8.IS IT TRUE that this offer was rejected by the Zionist leaders with the observation "Only to Palestine!"

������� 9.IS IT TRUE that the British government granted visas to 300 rabbis and their families to the Colony of

���������� Mauritius, with passage for the evacuees through Turkey. The "Jewish Agency" leaders sabotaged this plan

���������� with the observation that the plan was disloyal to Palestine, and the 300 rabbis and their families should be

���������� assed.

������ 10.IS IT TRUE that during the course of the negotiations mentioned above, Chaim Weitzman, the first "Jewish

���������� statesman" stated: "The most valuable part of the Jewish nation is already in Palestine, and those Jews

���������� living outside Palestine are not too important". Weitzman's cohort, Greenbaum, amplified this statement

���������� with the observation "One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Europe".

����� There are additional similar questions to be asked of these atheist degenerates known as "Jewish statesmen", but

����� for the time being let them respond to the ten questions.

����� These Zionist "statesmen" with their great foresight, sought to bring an end two two‑thousand years of Divinely

����� ordained Jewish subservience and political tractability. With their offensive militancy, they fanned the fires of

����� anti‑Semitism in Europe, and succeeded in forging a bond of Jew‑hatred between Nazi‑Germany and the

����� surrounding countries.

����� These are the "statesmen" who organized the irresponsible boycott against Germany in 1933. This boycott hurt

����� Germany like a fly attacking an elephant ‑ but it brought calamity upon the Jews of Europe. At a time when

����� America and England were at peace with the mad‑dog Hitler, the Zionist "statesmen" forsook the only plausible

����� method of political amenability; and with their boycott incensed the leader of Germany to a frenzy. And then, after

����� the bitterest episode in Jewish history, these Zionist "statesmen" lured the broken refugees in the DP camps to

����� remain in hunger and deprivation, and to refuse relocation to any place but Palestine; only for the purpose of

����� uilding their State.

����� The Zionist "statesmen" have incited and continue to incite an embittered Jewish youth to futile wars against world

����� powers like England, and against masses of hundreds of millions of Arabs.



����� What may befall the Jewish inhabitants of Palestine, of the Arab crescent, Europe, or the USA; is of no concern to

����� these Zionist leaders. The rising anti‑Semitism in the Western World is the product of their "statesmanship".

����� Under the guise of "love of Israel", the Zionist "statesmen" seduced many Jews to replace devotion to the Torah

����� and its Sages with devotion to the scoundrel who founded Zionism. It is of no little significance that Herzl originally

����� sought conversion of the Jews as a solution to the problems of the Diaspora. When he realized that this was not

����� acceptable to the Jewish masses, he contrived Zionism as a satisfactory alternative!

����� A look into history reveals that this very same type of "statesmen" opposed the call of Jeremiah the prophet to

����� yield to the minions of Nebuchadnezzar at the destruction of the first Temple. Five centuries later, Rabbi Yochonon

����� Ben Zakai appealed to the people to surrender to Titus the Roman to avoid bloodshed. The "statesmen" rejected

����� this appeal, and the second Temple was destroyed by the Romans. ‑‑‑ And now for the past fifty years, the Zionist

����� "statesmen" rebuff the leadership of our Sages; and continue in their policy of fomenting anti‑Semitism. When will

����� they stop?? Must every Jew in America also suffer?? ‑ Even the Nazi monsters had more sense, and gave up their

����� war before all Germany was destroyed. The Zionist "statesmen" ridicule the sacred oath which the Creator placed

����� pon the Jews in the Diaspora. Our Torah, in Tractate Ksubos, folio 111, specifies that the Creator, blessed be He,

����� swore the Jews not to occupy the Holy Land by force, even if it appears that they have the force to do so; and not

����� rebel against the Nations. And the Creator warned that if His oath be desecrated, Jewish flesh would be "open

����� property", like the animals in the forest!! These are words of our Torah; and these concepts have been cited in

����� Maimonides' "Igeres Teimon", "Be'er HaGola", "Ahavas Yehonosson", and in "Toras Moshe" of the Chasam Sofer.





����� Yidden ‑ merciful sons of merciful fathers ‑ how much longer must holy Jewish blood continue to be shed??

����� The only solution is:

������� 1.The Jewish people must reject, outright, a "Jewish State".

������� 2.The Jewish people should accept the US compromise.

������� 3.We must depose the atheist‑Zionist "statesmen" from their role as Jewish leaders, and return to the faithful

���������� leadership of our sages.

������� 4.We beseech the Nations to open all doors to immigration ‑ not only the doors of Palestine.

������� 5.Peaceful, non‑Zionist religious personalities in Palestine, (particularly from the native population) and their

���������� ounterparts in the Diaspora, should engage in responsible, face‑to face negotiations on behalf of the Jewish

���������� people, with the British and the Arabs; with an aim of amicable settlement of the Palestine issue.

����� Every Jew is obliged to pray to the Blessed creator, for in Him lies all our strength. Let us bear in mind that our

����� prayers be forthright. One should not entreat the Creator to provide a banquet on Yom Kippur, and one can not

����� perform a ritual ablution with a dead bug in his hand. Similarly, we should avoid the untenable position of the

����� robber who prays for Divine help in carrying out his crime. We should pray that Zionism and its fruits vanish from

����� he Earth, and that we be redeemed by the Messiah with dispatch.

����� A prisoner is released only when he has served his time, or if he is pardoned by the President for good behavior. If

����� he attempts escape and is apprehended, his term is lengthened, besides the beating he receives when he is

����� caught.

����� Faithful Jews‑ for over three and one‑half thousand years, in all parts of the world, through all trials, our

����� grandfathers and grandmothers marched through seas of blood and tears in order to keep the Faith of the Torah

����� unswervingly. If we have compassion for ourselves, for our women and children, and for the Jewish people, we will

����� maintain our golden legacy today. We have been sentenced to exile by the King of Kings because of our sins. The

����� eternal blessed be He, has decreed that we accept the exile with humble gratitude until the time comes, or until

����� we merit His pardon through repentance if we seek to end the exile with force, G‑d will catch us, as our sages

����� have forewarned, and our sentence becomes longer and more difficult.

����� Many times in the past have segments of our people been defrauded by false messiahs ‑ but none of the false

����� messiahs has been as fallacious and delusory as the lie of Zionism. With our historical experience as our guide,

����� no retribution has been or will be greater than the retribution for giving credence to Zionism. If we wish our

����� exile‑sentence commuted, we must appeal through repentance; and through total physical and spiritual

����� observance of the Sabbath, laws of family purity, and study of Torah.

����� Let it be clearly understood that never in Jewish history (even in the time of Jeroboam or Achav) have such hostile

����� atheists stood at the helm of the Jewish people as today.

����� How can we plead to the Almighty for mercy while we tolerate these vile, "wicked" leaders as spokesmen! Beloved

����� brothers ‑ let us cleanse our ranks and cleanse our midst; let us entreat the Almighty through prayer, repentance,

����� and fulfillment of mitzvos that He alone redeem us, immediately.

Reference Materials